Micro:Bit Live 2021: DNArt Dec 3rd, 2021, 92 countries, 80 presentations. We got the coveted spot immediately following the opening keynote.
Sakal Media Group, NiE & YIN in Maharashtra, India Oct 2021
Developing Global Competencies for the 4th Industrial Revolution in the Collaborative Classroom to over 500 teachers in India.
European Maker Faire, Rome, Oct 2019
Current Generation
21st Century Work Skills, University of Waterloo, Aug 2019
A meeting of business, industry, post-secondary and public school.
ISTE Phili, June 2019
Canada Wide Science Fair, May 2019,
Current Generation
HundrED Spotlight on Sustainabilty, Nov 1-3rd, 2018, Muse School, Calabasas, USA.
Engineering Brightness
New Pedagogies for Deeper Learning Atlantic Regional Summit, Moncton, NB, Canada, Oct 9-10th, 2018
Engineering Brightness Student Presentation to Michael Fullan, NPDL Global Team and 300 educators from North America including Ontario, Vancouver, Iowa, and Virginia.
World Maker Faire, New York Hall of Science NYC, USA . Sept 22-23rd, 2018
Engineering Brightness Booth teaching kids how to solder and promoting E-B.
CAST ’17 The
Texas Science Teachers Association
A consultant for the Innovation Collaborative to determine the state of the union of Arts integration into STEM. From STEM to STEAM.
Executive Leadership Webinar by Microsoft on Pedagogical Documentation, Oct 10, 2017
August, 2017 Engineering Brightness at Learn East 20.17
EdWebNet Oct 20th, 2016
October 18th-19th, 2016 Can high school really change?- How Riverview High School Personalizes learning for all students. A presentation to all of the principals in New Brunswick. Presenters: Jason Reath, Julie Allain, Tim Beatty, Armand Doucet and Ian Fogarty
ISTE Denver June 26-29th, 2016 Engineering Brightness Poster- A visit from Anthony Salcito
ISTE Denver June 26-29th, 2016
Ian presented PowerN’Play: a science project turned to summer jobs
Seth and Ethan presented Passion Projects and WW1 Trenches.
Workshop on PK-12 Education for the Planet Earth of Tomorrow, June 22nd-24th, 2016, Estes Park, Colorado, USA. STEAM, it is a single word, not and acronym S.T.E.A.M.
March 5th, 2016: Engineering Brightness: Brightening Hearts and Minds, Princeton University, New Jersey, USA.
Full Text: ISEC 2016 Engineering Brightness Paper Final draft V2
Nov 21st, 2015: “Preparing Students for Success in a Collaborative Digital World”, #MSFTCamp21, Fredericton Convention Center.
Nov 21st, 2015: “Preparing Students for Success in a Collaborative Digital World”, #MSFTCamp21, Fredericton Convention Center.
Oct 27th, 2015 WeDAY Alberta “One Million Lights / Engineering Brightness”
July 21st, 2015. Atlantic Education International “Technology in the Classroom” This 2 hour session is more about what tools are available, what they can do, and what they do for learning.
June 14-16th, 2015 Nureva Customer Advisory Committee.
June 25th, 2015 INNEdCo “Preparing students for Success in a Digital Collaborative World”.
May 1st, 2015. NB High School Council. “SMARTBoard 101 and 201” A full day training session on how to use SMARTBoards.
April 22-25, 2015. Stem Educator Sysmposium: “Global Collaborations for World Peace”
March 12th, 2015. National Science Teachers Association: “Real Problems for Real People”, Chicago, USA
March 12th, 2015. National Science Teachers Association: One Million Lights, Chicago, USA
March 2nd, 2015. Education Congress. “Keeping Technology Fresh and Natural for Teachers and Students”. Palm Springs, California
March 1st, 2015. CIO Congress. “Keeping Technology Fresh and Natural for Teachers and Students”. Palm Springs, California
________________________________________________________________ August 18th, 2014. Learn E@st 2014 “What if … there were no Classes??” ________________________________________________________________ July 21, 2014 AEI Summer Institutes: Technology to engage students (EdModo, Moodle, Flipped Classrooms, SMARTBoards, 21st Century Learning, Project Based Learning, Mastery Learning, Essentials and Extensions) ________________________________________________________________ April 3-5th, 2014, STEM Educators Symposium, Preston Middle School, Fort Collins, Co, USA Keynote: “The School of Tomorrow looks like Kindergarten” April 4th. Lecture: “Insights into a SMART Collaborative Classroom” April 5th ________________________________________________________________ Nov 22nd, 2013 Calgary, Canada SMART Customer Advisory Board Committee: Special invitation from Greg Estelle, the president to present my “Insights into a 21C Science Classroom” talk to their list of VIP customers world wide including Brazil, Texas, Chicago, UK and Ontario.
Nov 5, 2013. MARS building in Toronto. I gave a talk by Skype for the Canadian Ed Tech Leadership Summit. It was a “State of the Union” for Ed Tech in New Brunswick.
________________________________________________________________ Oct 23, 2013. Niagara Falls, Ont. Canada Bringing It All Together
Flashpoint: The Xenotransplant Project and my experience with PiL. MS Learning Suite with a focus on ONENote ________________________________________________________________ K-12 Congress, Oct 4-7, 2013. San Diego Insights into a 21st Century Science Classroom
A $1M tablet order was put on hold during my talk, because of my talk. “You are a Rock Star and we (the school district) need to rethink EVERYTHING.
________________________________________________________________ Sussex Regional High School. August 27, 2013. A Collaborative Classroom in Science and Literacy. ________________________________________________________________ How your Choice of Technology Impacts Communication, Collaboration and Critical Thinking in Science and English, Learn 2 Learn Conference, Rothesay Netherwood School. July 14-16th, 2013.
________________________________________________________________ Insights into a 21st Century Classroom, Corporate Spotlight, San Antonio, June 2013
________________________________________________________________ SMART Collaborative Classroom, ISTE, San Antonio, June 2013.
________________________________________________________________ STEM Educators , Authentic use of Technology for Collaboration, June 2013.
________________________________________________________________ STEM Educators Symposium Keynote, June 2013
________________________________________________________________ Communication, Collaboration and Critical thinking: How your choice of tech impacts group dynamics. Xenotransplant: An Interdisciplinary Case Study Canadian International School of Bejing, May 4th-June 5th, 2013
________________________________________________________________ Communication, Collaboration and Critical thinking: How your choice of tech impacts group dynamics. Xenotransplant: An Interdisciplinary Case Study International School of Nashen-Shenzen, April 14th-18th, 2013
________________________________________________________________ C21Canada, Convening Engaged Minds: Leader to Leader Program, Feb 12-13th, 2013. King City, On.
A follow up to Summit 50 and is now 100 stronger, with a larger group of industry representatives and other aligned not for profits to add to the education related representatives. Shifting Minds document was reviewed and trying to figure out what next steps are for a national movement. It seems that we need some concrete examples of what 21 Century looks like in action. I got a chance to chat with Prime Minister Martin. ________________________________________________________________ BETT Jan 29th-Feb 3rd, 2013 SMART Collaborative Classroom: Collaboration, Critical Thinking, 1:1 and SMARTBoards in my 21st Century Learning Classroom.
Introduced by Lord Knight. Also on stage is Aaron Sams and John Bergmann of Flipped Classroom Fame. Audience are Minister’s of Ed, and VIP’s from EU and EMEA Education.
________________________________________________________________ LearnEast 2.0.12 SmartBoards are IWb’s (Interactive Whiteboards) are NOT TPR’s (Traditional Pedagogy Replicators). “7 Exemplars in a 21st Century Classroom”
August 20th-21st, 2012, Bliss Middle School, Fredericton, NB. Can ________________________________________________________________ Canadian Pharmacy Technicians Educators Association National Conference “Too Moodle or Not to Moodle”: June 8th, 2012. Oulton’s Buisness College
________________________________________________________________ Mount St Vincent: Guest Lecture to Ed Psych Class. May 28th, 2012 (By skype) “Engaging Students with Learning Tasts and the Use of Emotion for Hooks”.
________________________________________________________________ Virtual Innovative Educator Forum. May 26th, 2012.
Keynote: Innovation in Education- “It Comes From Us” & Judging of Projects _________________________________________________________________________ NBTA AGM, Harrison Trimble High, Moncton, NB. May 19th,2012 7 Exemplars of 21C in a Science Classroom. ________________________________________________________________________ High School Council, World Trade Center, St John, NB. May 4th, 2012 7 Exemplars of 21C in a Science Classroom. _________________________________________________________________________
Presentation Title: Exemplars of 21C Projects in the Science Classroom (Part B) April 23-24th, 2012 ____________________________________________________________
Multiple Smartboards in the Science Classroom as Student Centered Puzzle Stations: Research March 6th, 2012. _____________________________________________________________
50 Participants by Invitation only #c21Canada Shifting Minds Document was Reviewed, Launch of C21 Web Page. Keynote was Charles Fadel. Hosted at John Abele’s Kingbridge Institute. 6 of the 52 delegates or organizers were New Brunswick educators. Not bad for a small province. ;
Presentation Title: Exemplars of 21C Science Projects (Part B) Oct 21st, 2011 ______________________________________________________________ ; Global Educational Technology Summit; Toronto, May 2011 Presentation: Multiple Smartboards in the Classroom
_______________________________________________________________ Gordon Research Conference on Visualization in Science and Science Education; Bryant Univ. Rhode Island, July 2011
World Wide Innovative Educator Forum, Microsoft Partners in Learning, Cape Town, Nov 2010. Placed 3rd in World in the Communications and Collaborations Strand. _______________________________________________________________ Summit 2009: New Brunswick Education Leaders: Be the Future: Nov 13-15, 2009. _______________________________________________________________ Gordon Research Conference on Visualization in Science and Science Education; Oxford University , UK, July 2009
_______________________________________________________________ International Conference on Chemical Education, Mauritius, August 2008
___________________________________________________________________ High School Council. Topic: Biological Scavenger Hunt. Bernice MacNaughton High School, Moncton, NB. May 2006. District #2 Kickoff PD Series. Topic: Smartboard technology in the classroom. Riverview High School. Sept 2005. New Brunswick-Dutch Online Professional Development for Mentors Project. A joint project between the Dutch and New Brunswick Departments of Education. May 2004. District #2 Evening PD Seminar Series. Topic: Grand Projects as Alternatives to Science Fairs. Riverview High School. February 11th, 2004. District #2 Kickoff PD Series. Topic: Computer Probes in a Physics Classroom; Riverview High School. September 2003 Dept. of Education Summer Consultation, Integrating Math and Science-Computer Probes in Science; Fredericton. August 2003 New Brunswick High School Council Professional Development: High School Science Networking Session; Miramichi. May 2003 District #2 Evening PD Seminar Series; Topic: Grand Projects as Alternatives to Science Fairs. February 2003. ___________________________________________________________________ July-August 2002 Jordan Summer Teacher Institutes, Dept of Education and CIDA: Technology in the Classroom and Project Based Learning, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
District #2 Spring PD: Computer Probes in the Science Classroom; BMHS, Moncton, NB. May 2002.