Yesterday, DNArt students presented in the #1 coveted spot, directly following the opening Keynote, at the Micro:Bit’s foundation global event. 92 countries, over 80 presentations.

Students stayed afterschool until 8 pm working on their code and finally victory. Others felt empowered when they made changes and additions to my PowerPoint. The next day, their day off, they arrived early in the morning. Some had spent time at night creating an animated logo for our background. Once we got the technology figured out, the talk went off without a hitch. The student who was too quiet spoke loudly, the student who struggled with English practiced the pronunciation, the person who was too fast (me) was a better speed., the person who struggled with what to say on a slide was smooth and the person who is normally very nervous was not sick to their stomach!
Here is proof that students can do good work, work that is recognized around the world. We do not have to leave NB to do cool things and have an impact on the world.